Passion turned into recipes!

Welcome, We’re so happy you took the time to meet us! Simply Inspired Meals is a blog devoted to meal planning based on inspiration from the things we love. Our loves include places we’ve traveled or movies we’ve seen or pretty much anything that strikes our fancy. This includes books, video games, TV shows, toys and more. Our goal is to bring back fond memories of the places we’ve been or things we’ve enjoyed through food by creating a memory through taste, music, and atmosphere.

A few years ago I had the opportunity to leave Corporate America and pursue interests I never before imagined. My love for these things have led some to call me a “geek” before. This is a term I believe is an endearment to those of us who share these affinities. I am a lifelong Disney fan and I also love Harry Potter, Star Wars, traveling to fun locations and hosting meals for family and friends.

To incorporate the things I love into my daily life, I use my wandering eye for things that inspire me and decided to use that inspiration to make meal planning easier and more enjoyable. My family and friends help test my recipes to ensure they are great before they appear on this site. Simply Inspired Meals is truly a team effort and something that brings joy to us. We hope you will find these recipes and meal plans inspiring as well and try them out in your home!

I love this quote as this is the goal of my recipes, to transport you to a memory of something that brings you happiness.

I’ve always tried to make movies that pull the audience out of their seats… I want audiences to be transported.

Peter Jackson